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The Metrel MI 3290 Earth Analyser is a portable, battery or mains powered test instrument with excellent IP protection (IP 54 open case), intended for measurement of earth resistance, specific earth resistance and earth potential of various energetic and non-energetic objects.


  • Earth Resistance 2,3,4 -pole;
  • Selective Earth Resist (1 x clamp);
  • Earth Resistance (2 x iron clamps);
  • Specific Earth Resistance (Wenner and Schlumberger method);
  • HF-Earth Resistance (25 kHz, acc. to IEEE_Std 81);
  • Earth Resistance of mono pylons with 10 m flex clamp;
  • Earth Resistance of multi–leg pylons with up to four flex clamps;
  • Current measurement (Iron, flex clamps);
  • Low Ohm measurement 7 mA and 200 mA;
  • Earth Potential;
  • Step and contact measurements;
  • Impulse Earth measurement 10/350 µs.
  • Now with two year warranty !

pdf_sml    Metrel MI3290 Earth Analyser Datasheet

pdf_sml    Metrel MI3290 Earth Analyser User Manual

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