Guildline Instruments NEW 7223CT-2S Series of Precision AC Current Transformers provides very accurate AC current measurements at high current and for high voltages. The 7223CT-2S is part of the 7223CT Series which are Commercially Available High Precision, Low and High Voltage, AC Current Instruments Capable of Measurement Accuracy <5 part-per-million (ppm) – Accuracies No Other Manufacturer Provides!
GUILDLINE INSTRUMENTS NEW 7223CT-2S Series of Precision AC Current Transformers provides very accurate AC current measurements at high current and for high voltages.
The 7223CT-2S 2000 A model on the left is designed with a 76.2 mm (i.e. 3 inch) diameter open window to allow the insertion of a high voltage insulating bushing as well as to pass a single cable, set of cables, or buss bar that carry the AC current to be measured.
GUILDLINE INSTRUMENTS NEW 7223CT-2S Series of Precision AC Current Transformers provides very accurate AC current measurements at high current and for high voltages.
The 7223CT-2S 2000 A model on the left is designed with a 76.2 mm (i.e. 3 inch) diameter open window to allow the insertion of a high voltage insulating bushing as well as to pass a single cable, set of cables, or buss bar that carry the AC current to be measured.