The CEM GD-3308 Combusitbie Gas Leak Detecor Combustible Gas Detector is a gas leak locating tool that is used to identify the presence of and isolate the source location of combustible gases such as methane, propane, butane, ammonia, carbon monoxide and many others(please see back of manual for a more complete list). Even low levels of combustible gas can be detected in seconds.
The micro MICRO Combusitbie Gas Leak Detecor detects gas concentrations through the use of an internal sensor. This sensor is heated during operation. As the heated sensor interacts with gases, the unit immediately indicates to the user that combustible gases are present.
The GD-3308 Combusitble Gas Leak Detecor indicates the presence of combustible gases with visual, audio and vibration feedback mechanisms. It can detect different combustible gas concentration 1-1 OOOppm or 0-1 OOOOppm by setting high and low concentration detection. When the tool senses the presence of a combustible gas, it will tell the operator by LCD display, triggering the appropriate audible alert or providing the appropriate vibration alert. The GD-3308 Combusitbie Gas Leak Detecor comes equipped with an attached flexible 16″probe hose.