Radiodetection CAT4+ & Genny4 Cable Avoidance Tool System

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Cable Avoidance Tools assist in avoiding buried cables and pipes during excavation, reducing the risk of injury to personnel and damage to utilities. The Genny4 generates signals that flow along buried utilities.  The C.A.T4 detects signals, whether generated by the Genny4, inherently radiated from metallic services, or from the complementary range of Sondes (Mice). The Genny4 generates signals simultaneously in two frequencies, and the C.A.T4 detects these two frequencies simultaneously to give greater assurance in finding all buried services without adding complexity for users.

Building on over 40 year’s experience, C.A.T4 and Genny4 comprise Radiodetection’s most advanced CAT and Genny system to date, designed to deliver optimal performance, higher levels of safety, advanced features and at competitive cost of ownership

Product Tags: #Radiodetection Cable Avoidance #Underground Cable Avoidance #Cable Avoidance #Cable and Pipe Avoidance Tool #Radiodetection CAT4 #Radiodetection CAT4+



PDF Download CAT4_Genny_brochure

PDF Download CAT4 & Genny4 User Manual

PDF Download Calibration Certificates and eCert

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